Write recovery data into the inject allocation

This commit is contained in:
mkrsym1 2023-07-16 14:58:18 +03:00
parent c979c980c1
commit 848ae06792

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@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
#include <inject.h>
#define JUMP_SIZE (6 + sizeof(void*))
// Original values to recover after the injection
// Recovery is performed by the assembly payload
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct recovery_data {
void *entryPointAddress;
char entryPointData[JUMP_SIZE];
void *importDescriptorAddress;
void *sizeFieldAddress;
DWORD sizeFieldData;
#pragma pack(pop)
static inline void write_protected_process_memory(HANDLE process, void *address, const void *buf, size_t size) {
DWORD oldProtect;
VirtualProtectEx(process, address, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect);
@ -13,13 +30,6 @@ static inline void write_protected_process_memory(HANDLE process, void *address,
void inject(HANDLE process, const void *payload, size_t payloadSize, const wchar_t *dllPath) {
size_t _; // Contrary to the docs, {Write,Read}ProcessMemory likes to crash if the last arg is NULL
// Inject the loader into the module
size_t dllPathLen = (wcslen(dllPath) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
char *remoteAlloc = VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, payloadSize + dllPathLen, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
WriteProcessMemory(process, remoteAlloc, payload, payloadSize, &_);
WriteProcessMemory(process, remoteAlloc + payloadSize, dllPath, dllPathLen, &_);
// Find the EXE header in the process
char exeHeader[1024];
@ -64,25 +74,60 @@ void inject(HANDLE process, const void *payload, size_t payloadSize, const wchar
char *exe = (char*)memoryInfo.BaseAddress;
// Inject the loader into the process
const unsigned char JUMP_INST[] = { 0xFF, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
size_t dllPathSize = (wcslen(dllPath) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
size_t allocSize = payloadSize + dllPathSize + sizeof(struct recovery_data);
char *remoteAlloc = VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, allocSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
// Write the assembly payload and dll path
WriteProcessMemory(process, remoteAlloc, payload, payloadSize, &_);
WriteProcessMemory(process, remoteAlloc + payloadSize, dllPath, dllPathSize, &_);
// Modify the executable to run the assembly payload
// Recovery data structure
struct recovery_data rd;
// Replace the entry point with a jump to the loader
char *entryPoint = exe + ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
const unsigned char JUMP_INST[] = { 0xFF, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// Save the original entry point address and bytes
rd.entryPointAddress = entryPoint;
ReadProcessMemory(process, rd.entryPointAddress, rd.entryPointData, sizeof(rd.entryPointData), &_);
// Replace the entry point with a jump to the assembly payload
write_protected_process_memory(process, entryPoint, JUMP_INST, sizeof(JUMP_INST));
write_protected_process_memory(process, entryPoint + sizeof(JUMP_INST), &remoteAlloc, sizeof(remoteAlloc));
// Break the import table to prevent any dlls from being loaded
// Step 1: break the first import descriptor
char *importDescriptors = exe + ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress;
// Save the original descriptor address and bytes
rd.importDescriptorAddress = importDescriptors;
ReadProcessMemory(process, rd.importDescriptorAddress, &rd.importDescriptorData, sizeof(rd.importDescriptorData), &_);
// Overwrite with zeroes
ZeroMemory(&firstDescriptor, sizeof(firstDescriptor));
write_protected_process_memory(process, importDescriptors, &firstDescriptor, sizeof(firstDescriptor));
// Step 2: break the image data directory entry
size_t ddOffset = ((char*)&(ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size)) - exeHeader;
DWORD newSize = 0;
char* ddAddr = ((char*)&(ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size)) - exeHeader + exe;
// Save the original value
rd.sizeFieldAddress = ddAddr;
ReadProcessMemory(process, rd.sizeFieldAddress, &rd.sizeFieldData, sizeof(rd.sizeFieldData), &_);
write_protected_process_memory(process, exe + ddOffset, &newSize, sizeof(newSize));
// Set to 0
DWORD newSize = 0;
write_protected_process_memory(process, ddAddr, &newSize, sizeof(newSize));
// Write recovery data to the allocation
WriteProcessMemory(process, remoteAlloc + payloadSize + dllPathSize, &rd, sizeof(rd), &_);