BITS 64 main: ; Replacement entry point push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 30h + 90h call GetKernel32ModuleHandle mov [rbp - 8h], rax ; kernel32.dll mov rcx, rax call GetAddressOf_GetProcAddress mov [rbp - 10h], rax ; *GetProcAddress mov rcx, [rbp - 8h] ; kernel32.dll lea rdx, [rel s_LoadLibraryA] mov rax, [rbp - 10h] ; *GetProcAddress call rax ; rax = *LoadLibraryA lea rcx, [rel dllPath] call rax ; LoadLibraryA(dllPath) mov rcx, [rbp - 8h] ; kernel32.dll lea rdx, [rel s_GetModuleHandleA] mov rax, [rbp - 10h] ; *GetProcAddress call rax ; rax = *GetModuleHandle mov [rbp - 18h], rax mov rcx, 0 call rax ; rax = .exe base address mov [rbp - 20h], rax mov rcx, [rbp - 8h] ; kernel32.dll lea rdx, [rel s_GetCommandLineW] mov rax, [rbp - 10h] ; *GetProcAddress call rax ; rax = *GetCommandLineW call rax ; rax = command line mov [rbp - 28h], rax lea rcx, [rel s_UnityPlayer.dll] mov rax, [rbp - 18h] ; *GetModuleHandleA call rax ; rax = UnityPlayer.dll mov rcx, rax lea rdx, [rel s_UnityMain] mov rax, [rbp - 10h] ; *GetProcAddress call rax ; rax = *UnityMain mov rcx, [rbp - 20h] ; .exe base address mov rdx, 0 ; hPrevInstance - 0 mov r8, [rbp - 28h] ; command line mov r9, 1 ; SW_NORMAL call rax ; UnityMain(...) add rsp, 30h + 90h pop rbp ret ; GetKernel32ModuleHandle: mov rax, gs:[60h] mov rax, [rax + 18h] mov rax, [rax + 20h] mov rax, [rax] mov rax, [rax] mov rax, [rax + 20h] ret GetAddressOf_GetProcAddress: mov eax, [rcx + 3ch] add rax, rcx lea rax, [rax + 88h] mov edx, [rax] lea rax, [rcx + rdx] mov edx, [rax + 18h] mov r8d, [rax + 20h] lea r8, [rcx + r8] mov r10, 41636f7250746547h ; "GetProcA" mov r11, 0073736572646441h ; "Address\0" GAO_GPA@1: mov r9d, [r8] lea r9, [rcx + r9] ; Function name comparision cmp r10, [r9] jnz GAO_GPA@2 cmp r11, [r9 + 7] jnz GAO_GPA@2 ; Found GetProcAddress neg rdx mov r10d, [rax + 18h] lea rdx, [r10 + rdx] mov r10d, [rax + 24h] lea r10, [rcx + r10] movzx rdx, word [r10 + rdx * 2] mov r10d, [rax + 1ch] lea r10, [rcx + r10] mov r10d, [r10 + rdx * 4] lea rax, [rcx + r10] ; Function address jmp GAO_GPA@end GAO_GPA@2: add r8, 4 dec rdx jnz GAO_GPA@1 GAO_GPA@end: ret ; Strings s_LoadLibraryA: db "LoadLibraryA", 0 s_GetModuleHandleA: db "GetModuleHandleA", 0 s_GetCommandLineW: db "GetCommandLineW", 0 s_UnityPlayer.dll: db "UnityPlayer.dll", 0 s_UnityMain: db "UnityMain", 0 dllPath: ; This will be filled out by the launcher payload dll ; Path to the dll to inject into the game