# PROOF OF CONCEPT. DO NOT USE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING ### Games and regions - 3rd: glb v6.6.0 - SR: os/cn v1.1.0 (unsafe, refer to [configuration](#configuration)) It may be possilbe to completely remove the region and version-specific data in the future. Refer to the source code in `game_payload/src` for details. ### Information The anticheat the games use is fundamentally incompatible with Wine in multiple ways. This tool launches the game without it (`injector/launcher_payload`) and imitates it's behaviour (`game_payload`). Does not work on Windows. ### Usage **Refer to [third-party launchers](#third-party-launchers) (will be written later)** for convenient usage. If you don't want to (or can't) use third-party launchers, continue reading the section below. **Wine 8.0+ is recommended**, as lower versions leak "The Wine project" as the device identifier. Not critical, but taking a precaution never hurt anyone. **DXVK is strongly recommended.** 3rd-specific: In some cases, and if you're not using Proton GE, **a fix for Media Foundation may be required to play videos. The Game may crash without it.** You can download it from [here](https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install). You might need to [limit the number of cores available to the game](https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install/issues/44) if your CPU has more than 8. Manual usage instructions: - Download the game you want to run - Download a release from this repository - Extract the archive (**NOT INTO THE GAME DIRECTORY! THIS IS IMPORTANT!**) - Block analytics servers in your `hosts` file. You can find the list in SERVERS.txt - Run `wine jadeite.exe 'Z:\wine\path\to\game.exe'` This tool is capable of starting the games from a different process. This may be useful for spoofing the parent process (SR is known to report it). Use `wine jadeite.exe 'Z:\wine\path\to\game.exe' 'Z:\wine\path\to\launcher.exe'`. `explorer.exe` is used as the default. ### Configuration These environment variables can be used to configure the behaviour of the tool. SR-exclusive: - `I_WANT_A_BAN=1` - allows to launch SR. Please only use testing accounts, as there is an extremely high risk of getting banned - `SRFIX_DISABLE=1` - disable shared resources fix ### Internals This tool consists of three parts: the main injector (`injector`), the launcher payload (`injector/launcher_payload`) and the game payload (`game_payload`). I am very bad at explaining, so just take a look at the source code. Maybe I'll write a detailed explanation in the future. A part of the source code is witheld (`game_payload/src/tp6.c`). This is a forced measure to make abuse more difficult. ### Guildelines 1. **Please don't share this project in public.** This might attract unnecessary attention from either the Game Company or the Anticheat Company 2. **Please don't abuse this project for cheating.** We're just trying to play the games through Wine ### Troubleshooting Please do not report any issues with the Game to the official channels. Use the issue tracker of this repository ### Third-party launchers Will be written later ### Credits - mkrsym1 — project leader, reverse engineering - Yor#1920 — major help with analyzing network activity - Some others credited in the source code License: MIT