
187 lines
3.4 KiB

; Macro definitions
; read dst, pSrc, size
%macro read 3
mov %1, [%2]
add %2, %3
; copy pDst, pSrc, temp, tempSize
%macro copy 4
mov %3, [%2]
mov [%1], %3
add %1, %4
add %2, %4
; unprotect addr, size, fn
%macro unprotect 3
mov rcx, %1
mov rdx, %2
lea r9, [rel oldProtect]
call %3
; reprotect addr, size, fn
%macro reprotect 3
mov rcx, %1
mov rdx, %2
lea r9, [rel oldProtect]
mov r8d, [r9]
call %3
main: ; Replacement entry point
push rsi
push rdi
push r12
push r13
push r14
call GetKernel32ModuleHandle
mov rsi, rax ; kernel32.dll
mov rcx, rax
call GetAddressOf_GetProcAddress
mov rdi, rax ; *GetProcAddress
mov rcx, rsi ; kernel32.dll
lea rdx, [rel s_VirtualProtect]
call rdi ; rax = *VirtualProtect
mov rcx, rax
call RecoverExecutable
mov rcx, rsi ; kernel32.dll
lea rdx, [rel s_LoadLibraryW]
call rdi ; rax = *LoadLibraryW
lea rcx, [rel dllPath]
call rax ; LoadLibraryW(dllPath)
mov rcx, rsi ; kernel32.dll
lea rdx, [rel s_GetModuleHandleA]
call rdi ; rax = *GetModuleHandle
mov r12, rax
mov rcx, 0
call rax ; rax = .exe base address
mov r13, rax
mov rcx, rsi ; kernel32.dll
lea rdx, [rel s_GetCommandLineW]
call rdi ; rax = *GetCommandLineW
call rax ; rax = command line
mov r14, rax
lea rcx, [rel s_UnityPlayer.dll]
call r12 ; rax = UnityPlayer.dll
mov rcx, rax
lea rdx, [rel s_UnityMain]
call rdi ; rax = *UnityMain
mov rcx, r13 ; .exe base address
mov rdx, 0 ; hPrevInstance - 0
mov r8, r14 ; command line
mov r9, 1 ; SW_NORMAL
call rax ; UnityMain(...)
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rdi
pop rsi
RecoverExecutable: ; expects *VirtualProtect in rcx
push rbx
push r12
push r13
push r14
sub rsp, 8
mov r13, rcx
; Find the recovery data structure
lea rbx, [rel dllPath]
read ax, rbx, 2
test ax, ax
jnz .search
; Recover entry point bytes (6 + 8 = 14 total)
read r12, rbx, 8 ; Address
mov r14, r12
unprotect r14, 14, r13
copy r12, rbx, rax, 8
copy r12, rbx, eax, 4
copy r12, rbx, ax, 2
reprotect r14, 14, r13
; Recover import descriptor bytes (20 total)
read r12, rbx, 8
mov r14, r12
unprotect r14, 20, r13
copy r12, rbx, rax, 8
copy r12, rbx, rax, 8
copy r12, rbx, eax, 4
reprotect r14, 20, r13
; Recover import data directory entry size bytes (4 total)
read r12, rbx, 8
mov r14, r12
unprotect r14, 4, r13
copy r12, rbx, eax, 4
reprotect r14, 4, r13
add rsp, 8
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
%include "gpa.asm"
oldProtect: dd 0
; Strings
s_VirtualProtect: db "VirtualProtect", 0
s_LoadLibraryW: db "LoadLibraryW", 0
s_GetModuleHandleA: db "GetModuleHandleA", 0
s_GetCommandLineW: db "GetCommandLineW", 0
s_UnityPlayer.dll: db "UnityPlayer.dll", 0
s_UnityMain: db "UnityMain", 0
; This will be filled out by the launcher payload dll
; Path to the dll to inject into the game