# ws-scrcpy scripts ## ws-scrcpy-launcher.py for Termux ### YOU NEED TO HAVE WS-SCRCPY INSTALLED, ALONG WITH ROOT ACCESS AND DEPENDENCIES + **YOU ALSO NEED TO OPEN ADB WIRELESS IN DEVELOPER SETTINGS FOR THIS TO WORK** + root maybe not needed but **i haven't tested it yet** so do it with your own risk (the script won't fail even if it can't have root access btw) + dependencies: `root-repo` `tsu` `moreutils` `build-essential` `nodejs` `python3` `android-tools` `git` + you also need to downgrade npm to version 6 to fix npm on termux: `npm install -g npm@6` > ignore the vulnerability please if you care about it please don't use this script + download ws-scrcpy-launcher.py: ```bash curl -OL https://gitlab.com/tretrauit/scripts/-/raw/main/Apps/ws-scrcpy/ws-scrcpy-launcher.py chmod +x ws-scrcpy-launcher.py ``` > after this use `./ws-scrcpy-launcher.py` to launch ws-scrcpy with scrcpy server for local device. + full script for lazy people (including install ws-scrcpy): ```bash pkg update pkg install root-repo moreutils build-essential nodejs python3 android-tools git pkg install tsu npm install -g npm@6 cd ~ git clone https://github.com/NetrisTV/ws-scrcpy cd ./ws-scrcpy npm install curl -OL https://gitlab.com/tretrauit/scripts/-/raw/main/Apps/ws-scrcpy/ws-scrcpy-launcher.py chmod +x ws-scrcpy-launcher.py ``` > after this you need to use `adb pair` to pair termux with your device adb server, then you can launch ws-scrcpy as explained above. #### After this, the script will tell you to wait for ws-scrcpy to start, and when it starts it'll show the started message with the ip address and the port to access using browsers