#!/usr/bin/env python3 import frida import socket import ssl import psutil import time import subprocess import sys """ requires psutil, frida (pip install psutil frida) suLaunchhelper2 will try to lauch the League of Legends client by instrumenting frida (https://frida.re/) This version requires sudo or `sysctl kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0`. It will launch frida directly from outside of wine. """ WINEDUMP = 'winedump' # path to winedump, does not necessarily need to be the same version as wine SELECT_SIGNATURE = "'long', ['long', 'pointer', 'pointer', 'pointer'], 'stdcall'" # return type, [arg types...], abi sleep_time = 1 timeout = 0 # 0 to disable hide_backtrace = True class FridaWrapper(): def __init__(self, process, module=None, export=None, position=None, signature=None): self.session = None self.process = process self.module = module self.export = export self.position = position self.signature = signature def get_location(self): if self.module and self.export: return f"Process.getModuleByName('{self.module}').getExportByName('{self.export}')" if self.position and self.signature: return f"new NativeFunction(ptr({hex(self.position)}), {self.signature})" def attach(self): if self.session: return self.session = frida.attach(self.process) script = self.session.create_script(""" Interceptor.attach( """ + self.get_location() + """, { onEnter: function(args) { args[4].writeInt(0x0); } } ); """) script.load() def detach(self): if not self.session: return script = self.session.create_script("Interceptor.detachAll();") script.load() self.session.detach() self.session = None def attached(self): return self.session is not None class TimeoutException(Exception): pass class Process: def __init__(self, name, internal=None): self.name = name self.internal = internal or name self.process = None def find(self): if p := find_process_by_name(self.internal): self.process = p return True return False def wait_for(self, tsleep=1, timeout=0): start = time.time() while not self.find(): time.sleep(sleep_time) if timeout and time.time() - start > timeout: raise TimeoutException(f'Timeout while waiting for {self.name}') def __repr__(self): return self.name class Symbol: def __init__(self, offset, position, name): self.offset = offset if type(offset) == int else int(offset, 16) self.position = int(position) self.name = name def __repr__(self): return f'Symbol(offset={hex(self.offset)}, position={self.position}, name=\'{self.name}\')' def check_ssl_connect(host, port, verify=True): ctx = ssl.create_default_context() if not verify: ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE try: with socket.create_connection((host, port)) as sock: with ctx.wrap_socket(sock) as ssock: return True except: return False def find_process_by_name(name): for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']): if p.info['name'] == name: return p def find_section(proc, name): for m in proc.memory_maps(grouped=False): if m.path.lower().endswith(name.lower()): return int(m.addr.split('-')[0], 16), m def get_dll_exports(dll): exports = subprocess.run(['winedump', '-j', 'export', dll], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout exports = str(exports, 'utf-8') exports = exports.split('\n') exports = exports[19:-3] # everything before this is just the pretext exports = [Symbol(sym[0], sym[1], sym[2]) for sym in [e.strip().split() for e in exports]] return exports def find_dll_export(dll, export): exports = get_dll_exports(dll) for e in exports: if e.name == export: return e if __name__ == '__main__': # hide backtrace if hide_backtrace: sys.tracebacklimit = None rclient = Process('RiotClientServices.exe', 'RiotClientServi') lclient = Process('LeagueClient.exe') lclientux = Process('LeagueClientUx.exe') # Wait for RiotClientServices.exe print(f'Waiting for {rclient}') rclient.wait_for(tsleep=sleep_time, timeout=timeout) print(f'Found {rclient}: pid {rclient.process.pid}') base, module = find_section(rclient.process, 'ws2_32.dll') exp_select = find_dll_export(module.path, 'select') # Wait for LeagueClient.exe print(f'Waiting for {lclient}') lclient.wait_for(tsleep=sleep_time, timeout=timeout) print(f'Found {lclient}: pid {lclient.process.pid}') f = FridaWrapper(rclient.process.pid, position = base + exp_select.offset, signature = SELECT_SIGNATURE) # Wait for LeagueClientUx.exe print(f'Waiting for {lclientux}') start = time.time() while not lclientux.find(): if not f.attached(): print('Attaching...') f.attach() time.sleep(sleep_time) if timeout and time.time() - start > timeout: f.detach() raise TimeoutException(f'Timeout while waiting for {lclientux}') print(f'Found {lclientux}: pid {lclientux.process.pid}') # Find app-port port_xarg = next(x for x in lclientux.process.cmdline() if '--app-port=' in x) port = port_xarg.split('=')[1] # Wait for SSL response on app-port print(f'Waiting for port {port}') start = time.time() while not check_ssl_connect('', port, verify=False): if not f.attached(): print('Attaching...') f.attach() time.sleep(sleep_time) if timeout and time.time() - start > timeout: f.detach() raise TimeoutException(f'Timeout while waiting for SSL response') if f.attached(): print('Detaching...') f.detach() else: print('Nothing to do') print('Done')