#!/usr/bin/python3 # Rewrite import subprocess import json import time import threading import random from pathlib import Path from shutil import which APP_UUID="a6db95c2-27db-4b88-a687-c8107d1bc9d6" def Popen(args: list | str, root=False, shell=False, cwd=Path.cwd()): if root: if shell: args = "sudo " + args else: args = ["sudo"] + args result = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return result def run(args: list | str, root=False, shell=False, cwd=Path.cwd()): if root: if shell: args = "sudo " + args else: args = ["sudo"] + args result = subprocess.run(args, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) result.check_returncode() return result def show_toast(message): run(["termux-toast", f'{message}']) def show_notification(title, message=None, vibration: list[int] | str=None, sound=False, ongoing=True): if not which("termux-notification"): raise FileNotFoundError("termux-notification not found, please install termux-api package and Termux:API app.") args = ["termux-notification", "-i", APP_UUID, "--priority", "max", "-t", f'{title}'] if message: args += ["-c", f'{message}'] if vibration: args += ["--vibrate", ",".join(str(x) for x in vibration) if isinstance(vibration, list) else vibration] if sound: args += ["--sound"] if ongoing: args += ["--ongoing"] run(args) def get_wifi(): if not which("termux-wifi-connectioninfo"): raise FileNotFoundError("termux-wifi-connectioninfo not found, please install termux-api package and Termux:API app.") return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(["termux-wifi-connectioninfo"]).decode("utf-8").strip()) def get_wifi_name(): return get_wifi()["ssid"] def get_device_private_ip(): return get_wifi()["ip"] def get_port_from_process_name(name: str, state: str="LISTEN"): lsof_output = subprocess.check_output(["sudo", "lsof", "-i", "-P", "-n"]).decode("utf-8") for line in lsof_output.split("\n"): if name in line and f"({state})" in line: line = ' '.join(line.split()) return int(line.strip().split(" ")[8].split(":")[1]) return None def get_pid_from_port(port: int, state: str="LISTEN"): lsof_output = subprocess.check_output(["sudo", "lsof", "-i", "-P", "-n"]).decode("utf-8") for line in lsof_output.split("\n"): if str(port) in line and f"({state})" in line: line = ' '.join(line.split()) return line.strip().split(" ")[1] return None def start_adbd(): free_port = random.randint(0, 65535) while get_pid_from_port(free_port): free_port = random.randint(0, 65535) print("Starting adbd on port " + str(free_port)) show_notification("Starting adbd", "Starting adbd on port " + str(free_port)) try: run(["setprop", "service.adb.tcp.port", str(free_port)], root=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Failed to set adb port") show_notification("Failed to set adb port to " + str(free_port), "You'll need to start adb manually through Developer Settings") return try: run(["stop", "adbd"], root=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Failed to stop adbd, maybe adbd was not running?") try: run(["start", "adbd"], root=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Failed to start adbd") show_notification("Failed to start adbd", "You'll need to start adb manually through Developer Settings") return return free_port def connect_adb(ip, port): run(["adb", "connect", f"{ip}:{port}"]) def main(): print("ws-scrcpy launcher for Termux") print("Checking for ws-scrcpy...") if not Path("./ws-scrcpy").exists(): print("ws-scrcpy not found, please install ws-scrcpy.") return print("Checking for current adb port...") show_notification("Checking for current adb port...") adb_port = None try: adb_port = get_port_from_process_name("adbd") except: pass if adb_port is None: print("Failed to get adb port, starting new adbd...") adb_port = start_adbd() if adb_port is None: print("Failed to start adbd...") return device_ip = get_device_private_ip() print("Adb server port:", adb_port) print("Device IP:", device_ip) print("Connecting to device through adb...") show_notification("Connecting to device through adb...") try: connect_adb(device_ip, adb_port) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Failed to connect to device through adb") show_notification("Failed to connect to device through adb", "You'll need to connect manually in Termux.") return print("Starting ws-scrcpy server...") show_notification("Starting ws-scrcpy server...", "You may need to wait for 5 minutes for ws-scrcpy to start.") ws_scrcpy = Popen(["npm", "start"], cwd="./ws-scrcpy") def print_ws_scrcpy(): for line in ws_scrcpy.stdout: if line.decode("utf-8").strip() == None: continue if "Listening on:" in line.decode("utf-8").strip(): device_ip = get_device_private_ip() print("=========================================") print(f"ws-scrcpy started on {device_ip}:8000") print("=========================================") show_toast(f"ws-scrcpy: {device_ip}:8000") show_notification(f"ws-scrcpy: {device_ip}:8000", f"Wifi: {get_wifi_name()}, access {device_ip}:8000 in browser to control the device.", [2000, 1000, 500], True) print("[ws-scrcpy]:", line.decode("utf-8").strip()) ws_scrcpy_thread = threading.Thread(target=print_ws_scrcpy) ws_scrcpy_thread.daemon = True ws_scrcpy_thread.start() print("PLEASE WAIT UNTIL WS-SCRCPY FULLY STARTED (ABOUT 5 MINS), IT TAKES A WHILE TO START THE SERVER.") try: while True: time.sleep(5) curr_ip = get_device_private_ip() if curr_ip != device_ip: print("Device IP changed, reconnecting adb...") show_notification("Reconnecting adb...", "This may take a while, take a cup of coffee.") try: connect_adb(curr_ip, adb_port) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Failed to connect to device through adb") show_notification("Failed to connect to device through adb", "ws-scrcpy will be stopped.") break device_ip = curr_ip print("=========================================") print(f"ws-scrcpy started on {device_ip}:8000") print("=========================================") show_toast(f"ws-scrcpy: {device_ip}:8000") show_notification(f"ws-scrcpy: {device_ip}:8000", f"Wifi: {get_wifi_name()}, access {device_ip}:8000 in browser to control the device.", [2000, 1000, 500], True) except: pass if ws_scrcpy.poll() == None: print("Stopping ws-scrcpy server...") show_notification("Stopping ws-scrcpy server...") ws_scrcpy.terminate() try: # if this returns, the process completed ws_scrcpy.wait(timeout=15) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print("ws_scrcpy doesn't exit after 15 seconds, killing process...") ws_scrcpy.kill() print("ws-scrcpy has been stopped.") show_notification("ws-scrcpy has been stopped.", ongoing=False) if __name__ == '__main__': main()