feat: hdiffpatch

This commit is contained in:
tretrauit 2023-06-20 23:02:26 +07:00
parent 3d44bfe63a
commit 197dc767a8
3 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions

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import platform
import subprocess
from zipfile import ZipFile
import requests
from io import BytesIO
from shutil import which
from vollerei.constants import HDIFFPATCH_GIT_URL
from vollerei.paths import tools_data_path
class HDiffPatch:
def __init__(self):
self._data = tools_data_path.joinpath("hdiffpatch")
self._data.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def _get_platform_arch():
match platform.system():
case "Windows":
match platform.architecture()[0]:
case "32bit":
return "windows32"
case "64bit":
return "windows64"
case "Linux":
match platform.architecture()[0]:
case "32bit":
return "linux32"
case "64bit":
return "linux64"
case "Darwin":
return "macos"
# Rip BSD they need to use Linux compatibility layer to run this
# (or use Wine if they prefer that)
raise RuntimeError("Only Windows, Linux and macOS are supported by HDiffPatch")
def _get_hdiffpatch_exec(self, exec_name) -> str | None:
if which(exec_name):
return exec_name
if not self.data_path.exists():
return None
if not any(self.data_path.iterdir()):
return None
platform_arch_path = self.data_path.joinpath(self._get_platform_arch())
file = platform_arch_path.joinpath(exec_name)
if file.exists():
return str(file)
def _hpatchz(self):
hpatchz_name = "hpatchz" + (".exe" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "")
return self._get_hdiffpatch_exec(hpatchz_name)
def patch_file(self, in_file, out_file, patch_file):
hpatchz = self.get_hpatchz_executable()
if not hpatchz:
raise RuntimeError("hpatchz executable not found")
subprocess.check_call([hpatchz, "-f", in_file, patch_file, out_file])
async def _get_latest_release_info(self) -> dict:
split = HDIFFPATCH_GIT_URL.split("/")
repo = split[-1]
owner = split[-2]
rsp = requests.get(
"https://api.github.com/repos/{}/{}/releases/latest".format(owner, repo),
params={"Headers": "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"},
for asset in (await rsp.json())["assets"]:
if not asset["name"].endswith(".zip"):
if "linux" in asset["name"]:
if "windows" in asset["name"]:
if "macos" in asset["name"]:
if "android" in asset["name"]:
return asset
async def get_latest_release_url(self):
asset = await self._get_latest_release_info()
return asset["browser_download_url"]
async def get_latest_release_name(self):
asset = await self._get_latest_release_info()
return asset["name"]
async def download(self):
Download the latest release of HDiffPatch.
url = await self.get_latest_release_url()
if not url:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find latest release")
file = BytesIO()
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
with open(file, "wb") as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=32768):
with ZipFile(file) as z:

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class HDiffPatchError(Exception):
"""Base class for HDiffPatch errors"""
class HPatchZError(HDiffPatchError):
"""Raised when hpatchz fails"""
class NotInstalledError(HPatchZError):
"""Raised when HDiffPatch is not installed"""
class HPatchZPatchError(HPatchZError):
"""Raised when hpatchz patch fails"""