class Banner: """Contains a launcher banner information Note that the banner name is in chinese, so you may not find this variable useful. Also, the banner has a variable called `order`, you can use that to sort the banner like the official launcher does. Attributes: - :class:`str` banner_id: The launcher banner id. - :class:`str` name: The banner name. - :class:`str` img: The banner image url. - :class:`str` url: The banner target url. - :class:`str` order: The banner order. - :class:`str` name: The banner name. - :class:`dict` raw: The banner raw information. """ def __init__(self, banner_id, name, img, url, order, raw): self.banner_id = banner_id = name self.img = img self.url = url self.order = order self.raw = raw @staticmethod def from_dict(data) -> 'Banner': """Creates a launcher banner from a dictionary.""" return Banner(data["banner_id"], data["name"], data["img"], data["url"], data["order"], data)