class QQ: """Contains the launcher QQ information Note that I, myself doesn't use QQ so if you encounter any issues, please open a new issue or better a PR to fix that problem. Attributes: - :class:`str` qq_id: The id of the QQ post - :class:`str` name: The name of the QQ post - :class:`int` number: The number of the QQ post - :class:`str` code: The QQ post url. - :class:`dict` raw: The launcher raw information. """ def __init__(self, qq_id, name, number, code, raw): self.qq_id = qq_id = name self.number = number self.code = code self.raw = raw @staticmethod def from_dict(raw: dict) -> 'QQ': """Creates a QQ object from a dictionary Args: raw (dict): The raw dictionary Returns: QQ: The QQ object """ qq_id = raw.get('qq_id') name = raw.get('name') number = int(raw.get('number')) code = raw.get('code') return QQ(qq_id, name, number, code, raw)