tretrauit ef24ad43ca
Added voiceover language info & archive type and install_game function
Available through Installer.get_voiceover_archive_type and Installer.get_voiceover_archive_language
Also some other optimizations including not extracting unneeded files from diff archive, deprecate _read_version_from_config function, and added install_game, uninstall_game, voiceover_lang_translate, get_installed_voiceovers
2022-02-17 22:02:08 +07:00

142 lines
5.7 KiB

import asyncio
import tarfile
import appdirs
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from worthless import constants
from worthless.launcher import Launcher
from worthless.installer import Installer
class Patcher:
def __init__(self, gamedir=Path.cwd(), data_dir: str | Path = None, patch_url: str = None, overseas=True):
self._gamedir = gamedir
self._patch_url = (patch_url if patch_url else constants.PATCH_GIT_URL).replace('http://', 'https://')
if not data_dir:
self._appdirs = appdirs.AppDirs(constants.APP_NAME, constants.APP_AUTHOR)
self._patch_path = Path(self._appdirs.user_data_dir).joinpath("Patch")
self._temp_path = Path(self._appdirs.user_cache_dir).joinpath("Patcher")
if not isinstance(data_dir, Path):
data_dir = Path(data_dir)
self._patch_path = data_dir.joinpath("Patch")
self._temp_path = data_dir.joinpath("Temp/Patcher")
self._installer = Installer(self._gamedir, overseas=overseas, data_dir=self._temp_path)
self._launcher = Launcher(self._gamedir, overseas=overseas)
async def _get(url, **kwargs) -> aiohttp.ClientResponse:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
rsp = await session.get(url, **kwargs)
return rsp
async def _get_git_archive(self, archive_format="tar.gz", branch="master"):
Get the git archive of the patch repository.
This supports Gitea API and also introduce workaround for https://notabug.org
:return: Archive file in bytes
# Replace http with https
if self._patch_url.startswith('https://notabug.org'):
archive_url = self._patch_url + '/archive/master.{}'.format(archive_format)
return await (await self._get(archive_url)).read()
url_split = self._patch_url.split('//')
git_server = url_split[0]
git_owner, git_repo = url_split[1].split('/')
archive_url = git_server + '/api/v1/repos/{}/{}/archive/{}.{}'.format(
git_owner, git_repo, branch, archive_format
archive = await self._get(archive_url)
except aiohttp.ClientResponseError:
return await archive.read()
async def _download_repo(self):
if shutil.which("git"):
if not self._patch_path.exists() or not self._patch_path.is_dir() \
or not self._patch_path.joinpath(".git").exists():
await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("git", "clone", self._patch_url, str(self._patch_path))
await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("git", "pull", cwd=str(self._patch_path))
archive = await self._get_git_archive()
if not archive:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot download patch repository")
with tarfile.open(archive) as tar:
def override_patch_url(self, url) -> None:
Override the patch url.
:param url: Patch repository url, the url must be a valid git repository.
:return: None
self._patch_url = url
async def download_patch(self) -> None:
If `git` exists, this will clone the patch git url and save it to a temporary directory.
Else, this will download the patch from the patch url and save it to a temporary directory. (Not reliable)
:return: None
await self._download_repo()
def apply_patch(self, crash_fix=False) -> None:
Patch the game (and optionally patch the login door crash fix if specified)
:param crash_fix: Whether to patch the login door crash fix or not
:return: None
def _revert_file(self, original_file: str, base_file: Path, ignore_error=False):
original_path = self._gamedir.joinpath(original_file + ".bak").resolve()
target_file = self._gamedir.joinpath(original_file).resolve()
if original_path.exists():
if abs(base_file.stat().st_mtime_ns - original_path.stat().st_mtime_ns) > 3600:
if not ignore_error:
raise RuntimeError("{} is not for this game version.".format(original_path.name))
def revert_patch(self, ignore_errors=True) -> None:
Revert the patch (and revert the login door crash fix if patched)
:return: None
game_exec = self._gamedir.joinpath(asyncio.run(self._launcher.get_resource_info()).game.latest.entry)
revert_files = [
self._installer.get_game_data_name() + "upload_crash.exe",
self._installer.get_game_data_name() + "Plugins/crashreport.exe",
self._installer.get_game_data_name() + "Plugins/xlua.dll",
for file in revert_files:
self._revert_file(file, game_exec, ignore_errors)
for file in ["launcher.bat", "mhyprot2_running.reg"]:
def get_files(extensions):
all_files = []
for ext in extensions:
return all_files
files = get_files(('*.dxvk-cache', '*_d3d9.log', '*_d3d11.log', '*_dxgi.log'))
for file in files: