tretrauit b1a9223c19
Added support for updating game & applying voiceover packs
Implemented & Improved some CLI commands.
Currently working in 2.5.0 version.

A few more work and this should be fully usable,,,
2022-02-17 02:43:21 +07:00

141 lines
6.0 KiB

import re
import appdirs
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from configparser import ConfigParser
from worthless import constants
from worthless.launcher import Launcher
def read_version_from_game_file(globalgamemanagers: Path | bytes):
if isinstance(globalgamemanagers, Path):
with globalgamemanagers.open("rb") as f:
data = f.read().decode("ascii", errors="ignore")
data = globalgamemanagers.decode("ascii", errors="ignore")
result = re.search(r"([1-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)_[\d]+_[\d]+", data)
if not result:
raise ValueError("Could not find version in game file")
return result.group(1)
class Installer:
def _read_version_from_config(self):
if not self._config_file.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Config file {self._config_file} not found")
cfg = ConfigParser()
return cfg.get("General", "game_version")
def get_game_data_name(self):
if self._overseas:
return "GenshinImpact_Data/"
return "YuanShen_Data/"
def get_game_data_path(self):
return self._gamedir.joinpath(self.get_game_data_name())
# https://gitlab.com/KRypt0n_/an-anime-game-launcher/-/blob/main/src/ts/Game.ts#L26
def get_game_version(self):
if self._config_file.exists():
return self._read_version_from_config()
globalgamemanagers = self.get_game_data_path().joinpath("./globalgamemanagers")
if not globalgamemanagers.exists():
return read_version_from_game_file(globalgamemanagers)
def __init__(self, gamedir: str | Path = Path.cwd(), overseas: bool = True, data_dir: str | Path = None):
if isinstance(gamedir, str):
gamedir = Path(gamedir)
self._gamedir = gamedir
if not data_dir:
self._appdirs = appdirs.AppDirs(constants.APP_NAME, constants.APP_AUTHOR)
self._temp_path = Path(self._appdirs.user_cache_dir).joinpath("Installer")
if not isinstance(data_dir, Path):
data_dir = Path(data_dir)
self._temp_path = data_dir.joinpath("Temp/Installer/")
config_file = self._gamedir.joinpath("config.ini")
self._config_file = config_file.resolve()
self._version = None
self._overseas = overseas
self._launcher = Launcher(self._gamedir, overseas=self._overseas)
self._version = self.get_game_version()
def get_archive_version(self, game_archive: str | Path):
if not game_archive.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Game archive {game_archive} not found")
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(game_archive, 'r')
return read_version_from_game_file(archive.read(self.get_game_data_name() + "globalgamemanagers"))
def apply_voiceover(self, voiceover_archive: str | Path):
if not self.get_game_data_path().exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Game not found in {self._gamedir}")
if isinstance(voiceover_archive, str):
game_archive = Path(voiceover_archive).resolve()
if not voiceover_archive.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Voiceover archive {voiceover_archive} not found")
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(voiceover_archive, 'r')
def update_game(self, game_archive: str | Path):
if not self.get_game_data_path().exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Game not found in {self._gamedir}")
if isinstance(game_archive, str):
game_archive = Path(game_archive).resolve()
if not game_archive.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Update archive {game_archive} not found")
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(game_archive, 'r')
deletefiles = archive.read("deletefiles.txt").decode().split("\n")
for file in deletefiles:
current_game_file = self._gamedir.joinpath(file)
if not current_game_file.exists():
if current_game_file.is_file():
async def install_game(self, force_reinstall: bool = False):
"""Installs the game to the current directory
If `from_version` is not specified, it will be taken from the game version.
If `to_version` is not specified, it will be taken from the game version.
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet")
# if not force:
# if self._temp_path.exists():
# raise FileExistsError(f"Directory {self._temp_path} already exists")
# self._temp_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# self._launcher.set_temp_path(self._temp_path)
# await self._launcher.download_game_diff_archive(from_version, to_version)
# await self._launcher.extract_game_diff_archive()
# await self._launcher.install_game_diff_archive()
# self._launcher.set_temp_path(None)
# self._temp_path.rmdir()
async def get_game_diff_archive(self, from_version: str = None):
"""Gets a diff archive from `from_version` to the latest one
If from_version is not specified, it will be taken from the game version.
if not from_version:
if self._version:
from_version = self._version
from_version = self._version = self.get_game_version()
if not from_version:
raise ValueError("No game version found")
game_resource = await self._launcher.get_resource_info()
if not game_resource:
raise ValueError("Could not fetch game resource")
for v in game_resource.game.diffs:
if v.version == from_version:
return v